Miscellaneous utilities for OS/2
ANSI.COM a DOS program that installs ANSI (screen controls).
Required by a few of the older SREhttp/2 utilities (such as CALC and ZIPFIP).
- Chose_file proc: an OS/2 Classic Rexx procedure to chose
a file from a directory. Display a list of files which can be navigated using arrows, etc. Also
allows you to go into subdirectories. Requires REXXLIB.
- DirTools:A few REXX utilities
for deleting, displaying,
and copying/ZIPping directory trees
(more details)
- GDIFF: an OS/2 program to compute differences between two files,
and save the results using the GDIFF format.
- GifInfo: A REXX utility for extracting information from a GIF file
- GrabSite
copy a WWW site to your local hard disk (more details).
- A few MD5, MD4, SHA-1, rolling checksum and other REXX callable procedures.
- a copy of REXXLIB.DLL
(some of these standalone utilties requires REXXLIB.DLL)
- RxRsync REXX procedures to support the rsync differencing protocol
- rxGZlib: OS/2 REXX callable procedures to GZIP files and
- rxBlFish: OS/2 REXX callable procedures to encrypt/decrypt
strings and files using the Blowfish technique.
- Txt_Data: A REXX utility for displaying text-data files
(requires REXXLIB)
- TTF_Text will generate a big-text banner from any TrueType font,
and includes a REXX callable library for converting TTF fonts to bitmaps.
- a copy of UNZIP.EXE
- UpDater
is a mirroring program, that is used to update a set
of files on a remote server (or on a client's workstation), so that
they are the same as a set of files on a central server.
- Some miscellaneous tools
Note: for now, many of the pages
describing these utilities are housed under the
web site. So, when you follow the above links, the navigation tools at
the top of the various pages may not bring you back to SREhttp/2.