INTRO.TXT | The SREhttp/2 introduction |
FEATURES.HTM | A list of SREhttp/2 features |
DISCLAIM.TXT | the use at own risk disclaimer |
OUTLINE.HTM | The SREhttp/2 technical outline |
SREHTTP2.FAQ | FAQ for SREhttp/2 |
SRE2003.HTM | The SRE2003 manual |
General configuration files | |
HOSTDATA.HTM | Specifying where to find host-specific configuration files |
PRELOAD.HTM | Specifying pre-response, post-response, and other supporting procecures |
LOGS.HTM | Specifying how and what to write to common-log files |
Host specific configuration files | |
Configuring SREhttp/2 selector-specific attributes, and
Description of selector-specific advanced options |
MIMETYPE.HTM | Defining mimetypes in SREhttp/2 |
SSI_VARS.HTM | Defining SSI variables |
SREH2CFG.HTM | general parameters specified in SREHTTP2.CFG |
USERS.HTM | Specifying usernames, passwords, and client privileges |
Scripts, SSIs, and other dynamic content | |
ADDONS.HTM | Creating SREhttp/2 addons, and a list of addons shipped with SREhttp/2 |
CGI-BIN.HTM | Creating CGI-BIN scripts under SREhttp/2, and PERL.TXT, using PERL with CGI-BIN |
SSIS.HTM | The SREhttp/2 server-side-includes, and SSICACHE.HTM, the SREhttp/2 server-side-include cache |
SPECIAL.HTM | !SPECIAL directives in SREhttp/2 |
DIR.TXT | SREhttp/2's !DIR and _DIR directory display utilities |
AUDITCNT.HTM | SREhttp/2's auditing and hit-count tools |
Security & access control, features | |
SECURITY.HTM | List of SREhttp/2 security features |
ACCESS.HTM | Intro to SREhttp/2's username & password access controls |
HTACCESS.HTM | SREhttp/2's implementation of the HTACCESS Access Control Method |
ENCRYPT.HTM | SREhttp/2's encryption utilities |
DYNPWD.TXT | Using dynamic passwords in SREhttp/2 |
DYNPRIV.TXT | Using dynamic privileges for transient access controls |
CHK_404.TXT | Detecting & thwarting probe-for-system-files attacks |
Other advanced features | |
NEGOTIAT.HTM | Content negotiation under SREhttp/2 |
POSTRESP.HTM | Specifying a post-response procedure |
PRE_RESP.HTM | Specifying a pre-response procedure |
HOME_DIR.TXT | the ~ home-directory replacement |
MULTSEND.TXT | Sending a document in pieces or in parts |
Programmers tools | |
SREH2PRC.HTM | The SREH2PRC procedure library |
SRE2PRC.HTM | The SRE2003 procedure library |
Other SRE2003 tools | Support for databases, caches, lists, daemons, and scheduled tasks |