SREhttp/2 Manual || Technical outline

SREhttp/2 post-response procedures

In certain cases, you may wish to execute some additional actions after responding to a client's request. For example, you may wish to record client specific information in a custom designed audit file. Or, you may wish to e-mail responsible parties when certain events occur (such as a file upload). Or you may wish to do both!

To accomodate such needs, SREhttp/2 can be told to call up to five post-response procedures. As with the pre-response procedure, these post-response procedures are custom designed REXX procedures.


Note: The post-response procedure(s) are called after a response has been sent to the client.

Therefore, you can not use a post-response procedure to modify the response sent to the client!

Example of a Post Response Procedure

This demonstates the several arguments passed to the post response procedure.
For more details on arguments passed to post-response procedures, see POSTRESP.REX (in SREHTTP2\PROCS).

parse arg request_line,source,sel0,seluse2,reqnum,user , ,

foo=sre_pmprintf( "")
foo=sre_pmprintf("For request number "reqnum,1)
foo=sre_pmprintf("   : Original request_line= " ||request_line,1)
foo=sre_pmprintf("   : Host nickname= "host_nickname,1)
foo=sre_pmprintf("   : Source= "source,1)
foo=sre_pmprintf("   :   Selector (after URL-decoding)=" sel0,1)
foo=sre_pmprintf("   :   Selector after redirection=" seluse2,1)
foo=sre_pmprintf("   :   User= " user,1)
foo=sre_pmprintf("   :   FileUsed = " fileused,1)
foo=sre_pmprintf("   :   Response code: " rcode,1)
foo=sre_pmprintf("   :   Post_Response: "||post_response,1)
foo=sre_pmprintf("   :   ID_INFO: "||left(id_info,80)||' ...',0)
foo=sre_pmprintf(" ")
return 0

SREhttp/2 comes with several post-response procedures, all of them are stored in the SREHTTP2\PROCS directory: