Using TXT_FIND in a form || Using TXT_FIND in <ISINDEX> searchable indices

Searching files using TXT_Find

TXT_Find looks for "search strings" within "paragraphs", and uses "meta commands" and "target specific" instructions to structure the search.

By default, a paragraph is defined as being all text between blank lines. Alternatively, one can define paragraphs as single lines, or as delimited by any arbitrary character sequence.

A search string is comprised of "targets" There are two kinds of targets: subwords and phrases.
Each space delimited entry in the search string is treated as a seperate subword, except..
for phrases, which are delimited by parenthesis; for example: (xx yy zz)
.... and phrases must be matched precisely.

Search algorithims.

TXT_Find has two modes: SIMPLE and LOGICAL.
Simple mode with highlighting.
 Two meta-commands and 4 "target specific"  instructions are recognized.
        Meta-commands are signified by  *&  or *\ at the beginning
        of the search string.
             *&   means "find paragraphs that match ALL targets in
                the search string"
             *\  means "find paragraphs that match NONE of the targets in
                 the search string"
     If there are no meta-commands, the following target specific
     commands are recognized.
          &   means "paragraphs MUST have this target"
          |   means "accept paragraph if it has this target"
              Note that | is the default (assumed if no target specific
              command entered).
          \ means "paragraph must NOT have this target"
          % means "accept paragraph if it does NOT have this target"

    Summarizing: to be a "found" paragraph:
      Test 1a) Any (of several) | targets must be present,    or
           1b) All of the % targets must be missing
         If pass test 1a and 1b, then
           2a) None of the \ can be present, and
           2b) All of the & must be present
     If present, all & and | targets will be highlighted.
     Note that if there are no % targets specified, test 1b is ignored.
Logical expression mode without highlighting
The user enters REXX-like logical expression using the following operators:
  • & : AND operator
  • | : OR operator
  • \ : NOT operator
  • @ : XOR operator
  • ( ) : to group expressions.
  • A sequence of words without any operators is treated as a phrase -- to treat each word as a seperate subword, put ( ) around each one. Basically, when using this mode, be liberal in your use of ( ).

    TXT_Find Options

    TXT_Find supports a number of options. These options are easily set in TxtFind2.htm, or by modifying the ALIASE(es) that invoke TXT_Find.

    Technically speaking, the options appear in an option list, with each option seperated by an & character.....

    The option list should have the structure:

    The TXT_Find options are:

           DELIM : The paragraph delimiter.
                       " "  or 0 = blank lines   (the default)
                       "$"      = Each line is a paragraph
                       other     = User specified delimiter
           LINE  : Maximum number of lines to display of each "found" paragraph.
                     If 0, no lines displayed (a summary will be displayed)
                     Default is to display all lines.
           NUM   : 1=Display the line or paragraph number,
                   0=Don't (default=YES)
           BAR   : 1= Seperate each paragraph/line by a horizontal bar,
                   0=Don't (default=YES)
           EXPERT: 1= Use "logical expression mode",
                   0=Use simple mode (Default=NO)
           FILE  :  FILE=filename
                    A selector pointing to the file(s) to search (either relative 
                    to the data directory, or in a virtual directory).  You can 
                    include as many FILE options as desired (each entry will be 
                    searched in turn).
                    Furthermore, * and ? wildcards can be used.
                    However, the ~ replacement is not attempted.
           SEARCH: The search string
           CASE  : If 1, then search is case sensitive (default is NO)
          HIGHLIGHT: If 1, then underline matches (the default). If 0, do not
                     underline matches.


    Simple mode examples
    ( The best car)
    Finds paragraphs containing the phrase the best car
    car truck motorcycle
    Finds paragraphs that contain one (or more) of car, truck or motorcycle
    dog cat & store (pet pig)
    Finds paragraphs that contain one (or more) of dog, cat or the phrase pet pig; and that also contain store
    *& computer price memory
    Finds paragraphs that contain computer, price, and memory (must have all of them, but can be in any order)
    Logical mode examples
    The best car
    Finds paragraphs containing the phrase the best car
    car | truck | motorcycle
    Finds paragraphs that contain one (or more) of car, truck or motorcycle
    ( (dog & cat) | (pet pig) ) & stores
    Finds paragraphs that contain stores, and that contain either both dog and cat, or the phrase pet pig

    Using TXT_Find.CMD

    The TxtFind2.HTM HTML document uses a form to invoke TXT_Find -- you can use it to search any file on this site (to which you have access privileges). It also provides an easy means for setting a number of TXT_Find options.

    If you are familiar with HTML FORMS, you can customize (and rename) TxtFind2.HTM. In particular, to facilitate searches (say, of a specific document) many of the FORM elements can be set to be "hidden".

    Lastly, as demonstrated by CONGRESS.HTM, you can use TXT_Find (in combination with an appropriate realm-definition, in your ATTRIBS.CFG file) to implement an ISINDEX type of searchable index.