TXT_FIND documentation || Using TXT_FIND in <ISINDEX> searchable indices

Search a file for selected words and phrases

This demonstates TXT_FIND: an SREhttp/2 addon for searching ascii-text documents.

Enter name of file(s) to search:
(* wildcards are allowed)

Enter search string: (Usage hints)

Advanced options .....

Paragraph delimiter :
  • Leave blank for "blank lines define paragraphs"
  • Use $ for "each line is a paragraph"
  • Enter custom delimiter (i.e. the ; character )
  • Display the first lines of each paragraph

    Do not display line/paragraph number
    Do not draw horizontal bars at the end of
    Do not underline matches each paragraph
    Use expert mode (when processing searchlist)
    Case sensitive search

    Usage hints

    Non-expert mode (with highlighting)

    Two "meta commands" and 4 target specific instructions are recognized.
    Meta commands are signified by *& or *\ at the beginning of the search string.
  • *& means "find paragraphs that match ALL targets in the search string"
  • *\ means "find paragraphs that match NONE of the targets in the search string"

  • If there are no meta commands, the following "target specific" commands are recognized.
  • & means paragraphs MUST have this target
  • | means accept paragraph if it has this target
  • Note that | is the default (assumed if no target specific command entered).
  • \ means paragraph must NOT have this target
  • % means accept paragraph if it does NOT have this target
  • Summarizing ..
    To be a "found" paragraph:
  • Any | must be present, or
  • All of the % are missing
  • Given the above is satisfied, then
  • None of the \ can be present, and
  • All of the & must be present
  • If present, all & and | targets will be highlighted


    ( The best car)
    Finds paragraphs containing the phrase the best car
    car truck motorcycle
    Finds paragraphs that contain one (or more) of car, truck or motorcycle
    dog cat & store (pet pig)
    Finds paragraphs that contain one (or more) of dog, cat or the phrase pet pig; and that also contain store
    *& computer price memory
    Finds paragraphs that contain computer, price, and memory (must have all of them, but can be in any order)

    Expert mode (no highlighting)

    The user enters a logical expression using the following operators:
  • & = AND
  • | = OR
  • \ = NOT
  • @ = XOR
  • ( ) to group expressions
  • A sequence of words without any operators is treated as a phrase -- to treat each word as a seperate subword, put ( ) around each one. Basically, when using this mode, be liberal in your use of ( ), and complete in your placement of operators.


    The best car
    Finds paragraphs containing the phrase the best car
    car | truck | motorcycle
    Finds paragraphs that contain one (or more) of car, truck or motorcycle
    ( (dog & cat) | (pet pig) ) & stores
    Finds paragraphs that contain stores, and that contain either both dog and cat, or the phrase pet pig