13 Nov 2004. Daniel Hellerstein (danielh@crosslink.net) SREhttp/2: A http/1.1 server for OS/2. SREhttp/2 is a http/1.1 server for OS/2. SREhttp/2 requires the SRE2003 Internet Interface. The production version of SREhttp/2 was released on 13 Jan 2003 (ver 1.12b). This document discusses changes to SREhttp/2, starting with this initial release. Note that the numerous betas preceding 1.12a are not discussed! As of 8 Nov 2003, the current version of SREhttp/2 is 1.12c. the current version of SRE2003 is 1.12d ======================== 13 Jan 2003 -- Production versions of SREhttp/2 ver 1.12a and SRE2003 ver 1.12a released. 14 Jan 2003 -- Added a caching algorithim to the ATTRIBS.RXX (attribs.cfg processor). No functional changes, but should speed up processing a bit. -- Various minor corrections to documentation files. 15 Jan 2003 -- Fixed up host configurator; multiple host nicknames assigned to a host are now correctly displayed -- Minor display improvements in the attribute configurator. Also, fixed a bug which caused problems if the host nickname contained an underscore. -- New options added to the SRE_HOSTINFO procedure (an SRE2003 procedure). 17 Jan 2003 (ver 112117) -- Added a "Client" advanced option to ATTRIBS.CFG. "Client" allows you to specify Redirect, Permissions, and Option "attributes" on a client specific basis. See ADV_OPTS.HTM for the details. -- Minor bug fix in SRE_TRAN.RXX (non auto-etag with "" was handled poorly). 18 Jan 2003 -- Changed version to 1.12b -- Added a "meta-realm" feature to ATTRIBS.CFG -- this allows you to specify "include" files, that contain additional realm definitions. -- Small improvements in CFG_ATTR.CMD configuration utility. 19 Jan 2003 -- Fixed a nasty bug in ATTRIBS.RXX introduced in 18 Jan 2003 -- it caused misassignment of attributes when a both a host and default wildcard rule match occurs. 20 Jan 2003 (ver 112120) -- ATTRIBS configurator (CFG_ATTR.CMD) will now view/edit/create "meta-realm-files" -- Fixed bug in ATTRIBS.RXX: default requires and default permissions were not being seen. Also now allow multiple rules (space delimited) on a Rule: line in ATTRIBS.CFG files. -- Fixed Rule-mapper (SELMAP.CMD) and Simulated-request resolver (RESOLVER.CMD) to correctly deal with meta-realms. 21 Jan 2003 -- Added new configuration utility, FILE_URI.CMD. This will match a fully qualified filename to all URIS that map to it. 04 Feb 2003 -- Minor modification to SRE2003 (SET can now set the TEMPFILE variable). When an SREhttp/2 addon is called, a "suggested" tempfile is selected, and this value is written to this SRE2003 TEMPFILE "SET" variable). 12 Feb 2003 : ver 112212 -- Fixed a bug in the !DIR special feature (would not work if specified directory did not end with a /) 25 June 2003 -- Minor update to the Host configurator. 17 July 2003 -- Minor corrections to documentation 17 Sep 2003 -- Bug fixes and minor upgrades to the SRE "caching data" utility (see SRE_DCSH.TXT) These fixes are required by the soon to be released CMS (content management system) for SREhttp/2. -- Changed to version 1.12c 03 Nov 2003 -- Bug fix in new-user utility (lowercase username and passwords are now handled correctly). -- Numerous changes to SRE2003's SRE_DCSH.RXX (the sre_cache_data procedure). These are required to permit the CMS addon to run. -- First release of the CMS addon for SREhttp/2. 08 Nov 2003 -- Changed SRE2003 to version 1.12d (cumulative bug fixes in SRE_DCSH) 17 March 2004 -- Release of SREhttp/2 ver 1.12d (minor updates to library functions) -- Updates for CMS and GOSWISH/2 18 April 2004 -- More updates for CMS and GOSWISH/2 -- Minor update to SRE2003 24 April 2004 -- Added a new initialization procedure: STARTREQ.CMD. This (which will be enabled when SREhttp/2 is installed) is used to "make requests at startup". That is, when SREhttp/2 starts, the STARTREQ.CMD "initialization procedrue" will make zero, one, or more "requests" -- either to your server, or to anyother server. See STARTREQ.REQ for the details. 24 October 2004 -- Fixed some bugs in the new-user utility (allow for lowercase username and password) 13 Nov 2004 -- Added ADD_CHARSET to SREHTTP2.CFG (and a CHARSET selector-specific option) This is used to specify a charset=xxx phrase for content-type:text/* documents