Test of #IF

This document contains a simple demonstration of the #IF XSSI conditional server side include.

Note: the following #SET variables are equal to:

Begin the test ....

Samples Mode (SAMPLE_TYPE and SUB_MODE1):
   Sample_type=1 (SUB_MODE1 ignored)
End of test ....

Some explicit comparisons:

Contents of this file (/sre2k/srehttp2/demos/iftest.sht)
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3 Organization//DTD W3 HTML 2.0//EN">
<title>SREhttp/2: Test of #IF</title>
<h1>Test of #IF</h1>   

This document contains a simple demonstration of the <code>#IF</code>
<em>XSSI</em> conditional server side include.   

<!--  Begin  set statements -----------  -->
<!-- The following SET variables control the processing of the #IF statements,
     hence what is displayed -->

<!-- MODE can be either SAMPLE or HELP or anything else -->
<!-- #set var="MODE" value="SAMPLE" --> 

<!-- SAMPLE_TYPE can be either 1,2 ,or 3 -->
<!-- #set var="SAMPLE_TYPE" value="1" -->

<!-- SUB_MODE1 can be A or anything else -->
<!-- #set var="SUB_MODE1" value="A" -->

<!-- SUB_MODE2 can be B or anything else -->
<!-- #set var="SUB_MODE2" value="C" --> 

<!-- If SHOW_FILE=1, then display this file as PRE -->
<!-- #set var="SHOW_FILE" value="1" -->

<!--  END of set statements -----------  -->

<b>Note:</b> the following #SET variables are equal to:<ul>

<li><TT>MODE = </tt> <!-- #echo var="MODE" -->
<li><TT>SAMPLE_TYPE = </tt> <!-- #echo var="SAMPLE_TYPE" -->
<li><TT>SUB_MODE1 = </tt> <!-- #echo var="SUB_MODE1" -->
<li><TT>SUB_MODE2 = </tt> <!-- #echo var="SUB_MODE2" -->
<li><TT>SHOW_FILE = </tt> <!-- #echo var="SHOW_FILE" -->


<hr width="30%"><center>Begin the test ....</center> <hr width="30%">
<!-- #IF expr="(\"$MODE\"=\"HELP\")" -->
  Help Mode (no other options):   
<!-- #elif expr="$MODE=SAMPLE" -->  
  Samples Mode (SAMPLE_TYPE and SUB_MODE1): <br>&nbsp;&nbsp; 
  <!-- #if expr="$SAMPLE_TYPE=1" --> 
       Sample_type=1  (SUB_MODE1 ignored)  
  <!-- #elif expr="$SAMPLE_TYPE=2" -->     
       Sample_type= 2 ,        
       <!-- #if expr="$SUB_MODE1=A" --> 
             Sub_MODE1= A  <p>
        <!-- #else -->
             SUB_Mode1 <> A <p>
        <!-- #endif -->
  <!-- #elif expr="$SAMPLE_TYPE=3" -->   
       Sample_type= 3 (SUB_MODE1 ignored) <br>        
  <!-- #else  -->    
        Sample_type = something else (SUB_MODE1 ignored)   <br>
  <!-- #endif -->  
<!-- #else -->     
   Default mode (SUB_MODE1 and SUB_MODE2):<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;
       <!-- #if expr="$SUB_MODE1=A" --> 
            sub_Mode1=A , 
        <!-- #else -->
             sub_Mode1 <> A ,
       <!-- #endif -->
       <!-- #if expr="$SUB_MODE2=B" --> 
            sub_mode2 = B 
       <!-- #endif -->  
<!-- #endif -->  

<hr width="30%"><center>End of test ....</centeR> <hr width="30%">  

Some explicit comparisons:
<li>$SUB_MODE2 != $SUB_MODE1 : 
<!-- #if expr="$SUB_MODE2 != $SUB_MODE1" -->
<!-- #else -->
</tt>false </tt>
<!-- #endif -->
<li> (SUB_MODE1="A") && (SUB_MODE2 != "B") : 
<!-- #if expr=" ($SUB_MODE1=\"A\") && ($SUB_MODE2 !=\"B\")" -->
<!-- #else -->
<!-- #endif -->


<!-- #If expr="$SHOW_FILE==1" -->
<!-- Interpret code
      goop=sre_read_file(usedfile,1,2) ;
      if goop<>'' then do ;
          goop=sre_html_encode(goop) ;
          return '<table border=1><tr><th align="left">Contents of this file ('||selector||')</th>'||'<tr><td><pre>'||goop||'</pre></td></table>'||'0da0'x;

<!-- #ENDIF -->
