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_DIR: List the contents of a directory

This demonstrates the use of the _DIR addon for SREhttp/2.
You can use the numerous options to fine-tune how and what to display.

Directory to list:

Display subdirectories also: No ||  Top ||  Bottom
Include files that match:
Details to include  File creation date ||  File size ||  Type-of-file small icons
Display mode
PRE Fixed width font, column aligned, no descriptions allowed
UL Bulleted list
DL Outline format, with descriptions in indented paragraph
Grid Multiple files/subdirectories per row of a table
Columns to use:
Alternate colors
Border around table
Extra cell padding:
TABLE 1 file/subdirectory per row
Title: leave blank to use directory name
Terse: Do not include simple summary info (such as number of files)
Descriptions: Description file:  , w/name:
Only display if listed in description file
Automatically generate descriptions:
Display descriptions as HTML
Header File:
Footer File:
If specified, header and footer files are displayed at the top and bottom (respectively) of the screen.
Max lines: Leave blank to display entire header and footer files
As HTML: Display header & footer files as HTML
Assume all files are text  ||   Display in a seperate window  ||   Sort by:

Description of _DIR options

<-Directory to list
A list of links to the files, and subdirectories, of this directory will be displayed. Clikcing on a link will either request the file, or display the files, etc. of the subdirectory.

The directory you enter is usually interpreted relative to the root-directory for this site's web resources. Alternatively, if the directory you enter has been appropriately defined, it can refer to a virtual directory, which can be anywhere accessible to the server.

<- Subdirectories also
You can also display a list of subdirectories under the chosen directory. This list can be either at the Top of the screen (above the list of files), or at the bottom.

<-Include files that match
Enter a list of file & subdirectory patterns, or leave blank to display all files & subdirectories.

<-Type-of-file icons
If checked, _DIR will place a small representative icon next to each file name; each icon suggesting the type of file (where type is based on the file's extension).

<-Display mode
_DIR can display results using a variety of modes:

Notes on GRID and TABLE:

A title to write at the top of the page. If not specified, the name of the selected directory will be used.

<- Terse
This option is often used with header and footer files.

By default, _DIR will display several lines of summary info. This includes:

To suppress display of this summary information, check the Terse box.

Along with file size and date information, _DIR can display descriptive information about each file. This descriptive information can be contained in special description files that are included in the selected directory. In addition, _DIR can automatically generate descriptions for HTML and Plain-text files.

<-Description files
Description files are specially formatted text files. _DIR understand two types of description files: Notes:

<- Only display if listed in description file
This option is only used if:
  • a Description file is selected
  • Table or DL display-mode is selected
  • If you check the Only display if listed in description file checkbox, the description file acts as an inclusion list -- only files (and subdirectories) listed in the description file will be listed, and they will be listed in the order they appear (in the description file).
    Furthermore, you can embed extra descriptive text, that will also be listed. This is done by using [desc] as a file name (or as a key).

    Note that if you use this option, then inclusion_list and the DIR_EXCLUSION SREhttp/2 parameter, will be ignored.


    Single line:
    DIR.TXT  description of SREhttp/2's !DIR special feature and _DIR addon
    CGI-BIN.HTM  How to use CGI-BIN Scripts under SREhttp/2
    [DESC]  Non-text files 
    SREH2A.GIF  The SREhttp/2 logo.
    IMGS  The images directory
    [DESC]  Other Directories
    DEMOS  directory containing SREhttp/2 demos & on-line configurators

    <-Header & footer files
    _DIR can display a header, and a footer file, above (or below) the file and directory lists.

    <-Assume all files are text files
    If checked, _DIR will create special links that tell the server to send the file as text/plain document. This can be handy if you have lots of text files with odd extensions -- but it can be dangerous if you have image (or other non-text files) mixed with text files!

    <-Seperate window
    If checked, clicking on a file link will cause files to be displayed in a dedicated file-viewer window (which will be opened when you first choose a file).
    This can be a convenient way of looking at several files in succession, but it does lead to screen clutter.
    Note: see DIR.TXT for further details on how to use the _DIR.CMD addon.